Misery Bay
Book Three of The Neskan Chronicles
by Owen Lach

Overview & Preview
The storm came out of nowhere.
Thick, gray clouds had blanketed the sky for most of Adan’s trip across the Dellan Straits. Lev claimed it was usually like that but assured him they could expect better weather once they neared the South Isles. The gloomy skies and near-constant, frigid winds blowing across the deck uncomfortably reminded Adan of Bolvaran winters and almost made him long for the Adak desert’s blistering heat. Almost.
But the winds didn’t keep the crew from working, And Adan, Bo, Garun, and Rune were buttoned up in thick raincoats and boots the crew had provided, vainly trying to sweep the deck clean when the winds suddenly got worse.
Garun scowled as he shouted something Adan couldn’t hear over the wind’s screeching howl.
Garun stomped closer, dragging his broom behind him. “I said, I think we should give this up. The wind is too much.”
Adan distractedly nodded as he watched several frantic crew members scramble across the deck like thatch rats. One of those was Lev, the crew person who’d eagerly shown Adan’s squad around the Fair Winds on their first day on the ship. Adan had assumed he was just happy to have new faces aboard. But it turned out one particular face made him happier than the rest. Lev rushed across the deck to Rune’s side, where he’d taken to spending most of his free time while they’d all been onboard. He wildly gestured as he shouted too far away for Adan to hear.
“I think you’re right,” Adan yelled back, waving at Bo before grabbing Garun’s arm for balance when a strong gust of wind nearly knocked him down. “Let’s get Bo and–”
“Alert.” Even Besi’s voice was garbled. The wind must’ve interfered with its ability to direct sound waves to his ears. “A twenty-meter wave is rapidly approaching and will soon strike this vessel.”
Twenty meters tall? Founder’s mercy! “Armor, Besi.”
Adan ignored the unnatural sensation of his Smart Combat Armor’s narrow scales as they rapidly extruded from the harness and belt under his clothes. Using his armor’s enhanced stability and strength, Adan grabbed Garun’s arm and roughly pulled him across the deck. Of course, Garun yelped and complained the whole way. But Adan had no time to be sweet and gentle. Garun’s already shocked eyes widened at something over Adan’s shoulder as he shoved his boyfriend against the side of a nearby deck structure. He glanced back as his helmet closed over his face, heedless of the looks it might earn him, to witness a massive, watery cliffside looming beside the boat. His helmet didn’t matter. No one was looking at him, anyway.
Bo frantically rushed toward Adan and Garun as Adan turned to Rune, who must’ve fallen. Lev was helping him to his feet when a deep shadow passed overhead. Then, the wave struck. Adan grabbed Bo just in time to shove him against the wall, too, before pressing his armored body against him and Garun, holding them in place. It could’ve been a runaway tram car. Even with his armor’s unnaturally strong grip, Adan was nearly overwhelmed. The Fair Winds lurched to the side quickly enough that Adan nearly lost his footing. Only Besi’s machine balance kept him upright. Then the ship rolled back the opposite way as enough water to cover the toes of his boots sloshed across the deck. There was no telling when the next water wall would strike, but at least that one was gone.
Adan stepped back from his soaked boyfriend and best friend to ensure Rune was okay. The former Motari operative balanced on his hands and knees, sweeping his panicked gaze across the deck as he searched for the person who’d just been beside him. Lev was gone.
“Besi, did Lev go overboard?”
“Affirmative. The wave swept at least two of this vessel’s crew over the side.”
Adan grunted as he made a sudden, snap decision that he hoped wouldn’t be the end of him. He whirled around, tore off his raincoat, and launched himself into a dangerous sprint across the ship’s deck. Anyone who saw him do it would probably think he was crazy. But Adan had no time to worry about that as he pulled himself over the railing and fell feet-first toward the roiling ocean.
“Please don’t let me drown, Besi.”
“Quickly pull your legs together and point your toes down.”
Adan did as Besi instructed just before his feet hit the water. Even armored, the impact of the ten-meter fall sent a painful jolt up his legs to his spine. Adan had always thought of water as soft. But the churning ocean’s surface was hard and sharp. Nearly panicked, Adan gulped down air as his head slipped under the angry waves into total darkness.
“Remain calm, Adan Testa. Keep your breathing slow and even, and this suit can provide up to three minutes of oxygen.”
Adan barely heard Besi as he frantically struggled against the forces of the unknowable depths below. It was a mistake to jump off the ship. He was sure he would sink to the bottom of the Western Ocean and disappear forever. He’d gambled with his life one too many times and had finally lost.
Besi’s sharp voice cut through the dark thoughts crowding Adan’s mind. “You are safe, Adan Testa.”
“You are safe. I will not let you drown. But you must slow your breathing if you still hope to rescue anyone else.”
Adan knew he’d been gulping down air and forced himself to breathe slower. It would’ve been a waste if he used up all his air before finding and saving Lev. “Okay, fine. Help me find the crew.”
Copyright 2024 © Jetspace Studio
Owen Lach
April 23. 2024
356 Pages
Adan Testa knew the answers were out there. Yet, uncovering them only revealed more questions, more secrets, and far more danger. But on his journey to Neska’s remote Dellan Islands, the hunted has become the hunter. Adan isn’t running–he’s driven, fueled by the mysteries that still haunt him. And what awaits is a terrifying unknown, and a confrontation that could destroy everything he holds true.
Don’t miss this action-packed new installment in best-selling author Owen Lach’s breathtaking Queer YA Sci-Fi series The Neskan Chronicles!
Coming Soon
In Print and for Amazon Kindle and other e-Readers