Jetspace Studio // Publishing

Robert Roth

Robert Roth (he/him) stands out as a refreshing and vital new voice in a literary landscape often dominated by voices from the privileged classes. As a working-class queer nerd and author, Roth uses his writing to challenge the status quo and question the capitalist patriarchy. His extensive body of work ranges from stories and novels to hundreds of magazine and news articles, dozens of published film and video scripts, and even a four-act play. Roth calls Seattle home, where he lives with his partner and immerses himself in the worlds of creators like N.K. Jemisin, Ann Leckie, Neal Stephenson, Rebecca Roanhorse, and G. Willow Wilson as he continues to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. Roth’s voice reminds us that the stories we tell, and the voices we amplify, have the power to shape our world.

Visit Robert’s website for more.



Cover for Into the Lightning Gate, Book One of The Gates Saga by Robert Roth

Into the Lightning Gate

Book One of The Gates Saga

Science-Fiction, Queer, Sci-fi Thriller, Sci-fi Adventure, Genetics

Cover for Rise of the Renegade Child, Book Two of The Gates Saga by Robert Roth

Rise of the Renegade Child

Book Two of The Gates Saga

Science-Fiction, Queer, Sci-fi Thriller, Sci-fi Adventure, Genetics

Cover for Steal the Demon, a science-fiction novella by Robert Roth

Steal the Demon

A Science-Fiction Novella

Hard Science-Fiction, Queer, Sci-fi Thriller, Sci-fi Adventure

The cover of Downstation Blues, a science-fiction novella by Robert Roth

Downstation Blues

A Science-Fiction Novella

Science-Fiction, Queer, Sci-fi Thriller, Sci-fi Adventure